Phoenix Burning: My Book

PHOENIX: My Fall & Rise Through Board Rooms, Back Rooms, and Behind Bars

My Book

I'm writing a book about my life. I believe it has been an interesting life and a good story to tell. There have been good times and bad times - many lessons learned the hard way. I've worked on Wall Street and I've been in prison. I've been a health nut and I've been consumed by self-destruction. There has been recovery and relapse.

I am finishing a prison sentence now. I have many pages written throughout my incarceration and soon I will add many more and edit them all into something that both entertains and educates. Mass incerceration is destroying lives and not doing anything to resolve the drug problem. People are dying in droves from opiates (not my personal drug of choice, but I sympathize) and it just gets worse. Many friends of mine have passed on from the disease.

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