Phoenix Burning: Photos


I have many photos to share and this page will evolve.


Here is a tribute to the best dog in the world: Dilly 2003-2019. May she rest in peace....

Also present: My Pacific Princess, and her son.

Pacific Princess

A picture of me kissing The Love of My Life, the best girl in the world, my Pacific Princess, (with a clear view of my thinning hair)...

At some point, I will post my memorial to The World Trade Center and the 911 tragedy. I worked across the street and watched events unfold up close. I hope to post that in time for the 20-year anniversary. Here are a few for now...

World Trade Center

As It Was

The Twin Towers

Sunset Reflecting off the World Financial Center (where I worked)

Post 911

Ground Zero from the Floor I Worked on, Approx November 2001

View from behind My Old Desk - The Winter Garden

View from behind My Old Desk - Amex Bldg and NY Telephone