Phoenix Burning: Poetry

Breaking The Bonds

Broken dreams and shattered hope

Deal with the Devil via dope

The shackles crushed my self-esteem

Waking to wish I’d signed ‘nother team

My investment in me you did contort

I should have bought but sold myself short

The people I love that should have come first

Pushed aside in attempt to quench your thirst

But with spirit guide and lawyer of soul

I break the contract; again become whole

Dreams revived and broken chains

My new-found power lifts the pains

Try to slip me the noose you may again one day

But with strength from friends your rope will fray

And I know that there will be temptations anew

With a little help, I keep the right point of view

I know it is only havoc on me you wish to wreak

Your promises are empty, your propositions weak

So lay down and die you little piece of shit!

I assure you this time, I have really quit.