Phoenix Burning: Poetry

Double Life

The sun is out

My tie is straight

Shirt so clean and crisp

My work is great

I smell adventure

In tonight's air

Leading me to

I know not where

Back at the office

I command and control

Mingle with socialites

They think I have a soul

In the ghetto

Dark and seedy

Erotic favors

Women so needy

At home I cut grass

Enjoy the good life

Light the barbecue

Make love to my wife


I burn like a pyre

Search the streets for

The potion I desire

New day dawns

A broken spell

Distasteful deeds?

No one can tell

Secret Sanctuary

A fleeting peace

Now I'm in hell

Why won't this cease?

Morning breaks again

The sun exposes me

The spell didn't lift

Now I know I'm not free