Phoenix Burning: Poetry

The Closet Inside My Head

A ghost calls from closet inside my head;

Imagine not a skeleton, instead

Sweet mirage: siren song and sugar cane.

Then it begins with the force of a train.

Hell ride; twisted, dark tunnels of my mind.

Can't stop 'cause ghost called and judgment is blind.

Down, down, deeper, to the bottom level;

Consort with daemons; deal with the Devil.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Satan smiles at me.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Sweet ecstasy.

In front of the closet without a key,

But his bargain opens it so I can see;

Warm glow summons; my secret dimension;

Cross threshold and prepare for ascension.

Sacrament in haste grants reunion;

Anticipation for the communion;

And then she appears, pleasure incarnate;

Achieve Nirvana and then it's too late.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Satan laughs at me.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Evil ecstasy.

Tidal wave; it slips beyond my control;

Searching for me to see inside my soul.

Devil's promises are the Devil's lies;

She's evil beneath those beckoning thighs.

Awake. Was it a nightmare... or a dream?

Then see invoice from Devil's rotten ream.

She calls again; sweet melodious voice;

Decision is mine, but I have no choice.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Satan smiles at me.

The ghost is calling and I am falling;

Evil ecstasy.