Phoenix Burning: Poetry


Drug dealer informant

Secret police raid

Excessive force

On the ground I laid


Vice cop tricks and lies

Promises broken

No rights advised

Abducted from home

Without even shoes

Wallet, watch or keys

Just thugs wearing blues

Jeering deputies

Freezing cold jail cell

No information

In a living hell

Trumped up charges

Outrageous bail

Sinking in my gut

Feeling a bit pale

Filthy old jail house

Kept hungry and cold

Food not fit for beasts

I'm ready to fold

How can this be?

I'm guilty until

Proven innocent

Prosecutions will

Government deceit

Police cohorted

Can't believe my ears

Statement distorted

Here I find myself

An enemy of the state

And subjected to

Incarcerated fate

So where am I?

Communist nation?

New Nazi Reich?

Junta federation?

A fascist regime

Not so far away

I'm in the good old

U.S. of fucking A